Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others. 
~Philippians 2:4

January 1st ~ Look up. 
January 2nd ~ Look out. 

Such a simple approach to life and one that Jesus modeled. The key? To remember that God has me fixed in His sight. The fulfillment of my needs, flow limitless from His throne. 

How many times I’ve found myself in a frenzy trying to do it all. A frenzy rooted in the simple lack of trust that the Creator of the universe, the very One who gives me breath, has my back today and always. 

My worries? They’re a signal I’ve forgotten to look up. 

My frantic pace? A sign that I’ve cluttered my life with must-dos, many of which, if I’m completely honest, revolve around my own perceived wants and needs. 

When I truly stop, look up, and remember the faithfulness of God, I find peace to look out for the interests of others. Freed from the burden of satisfying my own wants and needs, I enter into the sacred place of service under the King of kings. 

Dear Lord,
Teach me to look up each morning and to look out throughout the day. As I rest in Your provisions in my own life, may I become Your hands and feet to those around me.