Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. ~ Colossians 3:1

As a child, I remember stretching out on the ground, the fragrant smell of earth and grass around me, and watching the clouds drift by, forming imaginary creatures on God’s limitless canvas. A butterfly would be come a dragon and then a mouse before my watchful eye. Anything was possible. 

There was a peace in the stillness of that child. A connection to the vast beyond. 

Years slipped by. Life got busy. And although I’ve grown continually in my knowledge of God, I wonder if the secret to the peace I often crave is found in the practice of that child. 
When did I stop looking up? When did earth’s reality overtake heaven’s possibilities? 

Dear Lord,
With my feet so tethered to earth, I forget to look up. Launching into a new year earth-style means resolutions, which so often increase the pull of gravity on my soul. Let this year be about loosening the cords of the temporal world and finding new opportunities to gaze heavenward. 

When problems threaten to ensnare me, when worries form chains and dashed hopes threaten to hold me captive, help me hear the whisper in my spirit, “Look up!” Remind me to right my compass and lift my head to the vast celestial realm where you dwell.