Rosemary Hines

Browsing Archive: August, 2011

Remembering Joy

Posted by Rosemary Hines on Thursday, August 18, 2011,

This week our firstborn celebrated her 29th birthday.  Early that morning, I went for a walk through our neighborhood and ended up miles away in my mind.  Transported through time and space to a hospital “alternative birth center” in 1982, I was that young mother again. 

In my mind’s eye, I was lying in a hospital bed gazing at my tiny daughter asleep in the clear plastic bassinet next to me.  Her little ...

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Growing or Groaning

Posted by Rosemary Hines on Friday, August 12, 2011,
Since 8th grade, I’ve had a spinal condition called scoliosis.  Basically that means my spine did not grow in a completely straight line.  The muscles on one side developed in such a way that they pulled the back into a curve.  For ten months of my 14th year, I wore a back brace 20 hours a day.  It stabilized my rib cage and helped prevent further curvature.  Thankfully I have suffered relatively little back discom...
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Feeding on His Faithfulness

Posted by Rosemary Hines on Wednesday, August 10, 2011,
Late one night this week, I found myself out on the living room couch with my Bible in hand.  Another interrupted sleep cycle had my mind in turmoil.  As I prayed, Psalm 37 popped into my thoughts, so I flipped to that passage.  Verse 3 caught my eye.  Trust in the Lord and do good.  Dwell in the land and cultivate faithfulness.

For the first time, I noticed a footnote explaining the end of that verse.  While I...

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A Dog's Tale

Posted by Rosemary Hines on Saturday, August 6, 2011,

In all my years of teaching, the classic excuse for missing assignments was “the dog ate my homework.”  When a teary-eyed third grade told me that, I’d believe it.  A junior higher or middle schooler – not so much. 

Now I have my own tale to tell. 

Yesterday I received two checks in the mail for orders for my book from friends out of the area who wanted to purchase a personalized/signed copy.  Keeping the opened envelopes and checks together on the corner of my kitchen island, I k...

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